About The Categories

Information on this year’s award categories

Most Innovative Mental Health Intervention

This category celebrates innovative and successful interventions for those experiencing mental health difficulties at any age. It is expected that entries include at least two years’ worth of outcome data. The intervention should be based on sound principles of mental health interventions, clinical advice or research, whilst also evidencing how it is innovative. 

Most Innovative Proactive Wellbeing Activity

This category is designed to celebrate innovative wellbeing interventions or activities that have had a positive impact over at least two years.

Long-term Impact (open to reactive or proactive interventions)

The long-term category is open to both mental health and well-being interventions that can evidence a positive impact over at least five years. 

Individual Outstanding Contribution to the Mental Health & Wellbeing Sector

The outstanding contribution category is designed to celebrate an individual or team who have contributed significantly to the mental health and well-being sector. This category is not designed to celebrate long service, but recognise those who had a positive impact in the field.

Recovery from the Pandemic

The pandemic has had a massive impact on the mental health of the general public, in addition to how services continue to operate. This category will celebrate those who have helped communities or populations recover from negative impacts of the pandemic. 

Inspirational Story

This category is designed to celebrate the service users or clients who have overcome overwhelming challenges to tackle their mental health or well-being, or those whose lives have been affected by the mental health of others. Entries can be nominated by professionals, families or friends and must include several viewpoints.

The Lifestyle Award (Evidence of lifestyle change in a population)

This category is aimed at celebrating mental health and well-being interventions that have sought to embed behaviour change in a population over time. Entries are expected to evidence how they have changed lifestyle choices as a result of their work.

Workplace Wellbeing

This category celebrates employers who can evidence that they have gone above and beyond in supporting and improving the well-being of their workforce.

Nominate a Professional

This category is for the public to nominate an individual mental health professional who they think has made the difference to them and others.

"We all know how critical mental health is to everyday life, together let's make a healthier, happier nation."

Sir Ben Ainslie
Olympic sailor

"So many people suffer with mental health issues, these awards are a really good thing and congratulations to the winners."

Gary Lineker
Sports broadcaster & former footballer

"Mental health difficulties affect us all at some point, so it's wonderful to see awards that celebrate people who have an impact on people's well-being."

Stephen Fry
Actor, comedian and writer

"It is vital we consider mental health in the same way we consider physical health. I'm all for looking after our bodies, our heart, being fit and strong, but there's no point if everything on the outside works, but inside we have issues that we can't talk about."

Gabby Logan
Presenter and former international gymnast

"These awards help encourage people to ask for help and experience the beauty of recovery."

Gemma Gordon

"Mental health is something which affects so many of us, whether it is ourselves, a family member or a friend. Even though it affects so many, it is spoken about by so few, that is why I am supporting the awards."

Charlie Mills
Made in Chelsea