Brand Opportunities.

Get your brand involved in this year’s awards.

See your brand at our award ceremony.

There are many opportunities for your brand to be involved in these high-profile awards. From supporters, to brand ambassadors, there’s something to suit your needs.

Please contact our awards team on to discuss your brand’s needs.


  • Your brand logo featured on our supporters page.
  • A supporter logo for your use.

Featured supporters.

  • Your brand featured on our front page.
  • Your brand featured in the awards brochure.
  • Your brand logo featured on our supporters page.
  • A supporter logo for your use.



We have 6 table areas available in both the reception room for attendees or the VIP reception area for our sponsors. Each space either includes a table and 2 chairs or a 2m x 2m space for your materials.

Attendees’ Reception Room – an opportunity to show your brand’s commitment to mental health and well-being to our 100+ award entrants and corporate attendees. 

VIP Reception Room – showcase your brand to our celebrities and also VIP attendees. 

Category sponsors.

Your brand logo on the award and get to present the award on stage, download our media pack.

Regional sponsors.

Helping to promote both your brand and the awards in regions across the UK.

Headline sponsors.

Please download our media pack.

Award ambassadors.

Working at a more strategic level, our Award Ambassadors are fully involved in running and marketing the awards. This strategic partnership is aimed at working together to help break the stigma of mental health and celebrate inspirational people who make a difference to other people’s mental health.

"We all know how critical mental health is to everyday life, together let's make a healthier, happier nation."

Sir Ben Ainslie
Olympic sailor

"So many people suffer with mental health issues, these awards are a really good thing and congratulations to the winners."

Gary Lineker
Sports broadcaster & former footballer

"Mental health difficulties affect us all at some point, so it's wonderful to see awards that celebrate people who have an impact on people's well-being."

Stephen Fry
Actor, comedian and writer

"It is vital we consider mental health in the same way we consider physical health. I'm all for looking after our bodies, our heart, being fit and strong, but there's no point if everything on the outside works, but inside we have issues that we can't talk about."

Gabby Logan
Presenter and former international gymnast

"These awards help encourage people to ask for help and experience the beauty of recovery."

Gemma Gordon

"Mental health is something which affects so many of us, whether it is ourselves, a family member or a friend. Even though it affects so many, it is spoken about by so few, that is why I am supporting the awards."

Charlie Mills
Made in Chelsea